Front door looking a little worn? Renovating an older home that just doesn’t have modern curb appeal? One of the easiest ways to boost a home’s exterior aesthetic is to upgrade your front door! And lucky for you, Zeeland Lumber & Supply’s team of experts has put together this list of exterior door trends for 2022, so you can choose a door that you love and that’s on-trend. Without further ado —  here are 5 of the most popular exterior door trends in 2022.


01. Let in the Natural Light

exterior door with natural light

In 2022, we’re lucky to have a range of home styles in fashion. From the up-and-coming grand millennial style to minimalist and modern, industrial, and of course the ever-popular farmhouse style, there’s a lot to choose from. One thing all of these styles have in common? Lots of natural light!

In 2022, the overarching exterior door trend we’re seeing homeowners gravitate toward is natural light. And for your front door, that means glass door panels. Whether you prefer a solid door with huge sidelights or a more modern architectural door with a few symmetrical glass panels, natural light never goes out of style.

Choose a door and frame that bring light in to create a bright, welcoming space for you and for guests.


02. Decide on Decorative Glass Exterior Doors

exterior door with decorative glass

One section on glass exterior doors simply wasn’t enough — they’re that popular in 2022!

In addition to exterior doors with glass panels and sidelights, exterior doors with decorative glass are also seeing a resurgence in popularity. These extra details can add a great deal of visual interest to an otherwise minimalistic home, while of course letting in that natural light.

What are the benefits of choosing a full glass or glass-paneled exterior door?

First and foremost, they offer an updated, modern look. But, that’s not all. They’re also easy to clean and highly customizable. No one wants to spend hours cleaning a front door, and no one wants to have the same front door as their neighbor. A glass exterior door helps you avoid both!

Customize your front door to match your home’s architecture and your personal style. Glass panels are easy to add, no matter which exterior door brand you choose.


03. Embrace a Wide, Statement Exterior Door

wide statement exterior door

Another big exterior door trend in 2022 is statement doors. One way to make people stop and stare is to invest in a big, wide front door. Whether you opt for a two-door configuration or a single pivoting front door that’s wider than standard measurements, opening up that entryway gives your home a grander feel while walking in.

In terms of home improvement projects, opting for a wider door is also a relatively simple and lower-cost way to make a big change to the exterior of your home. It’s a design trend that packs a big punch, without you having to change much.


04. Splash Out on a Splash of Color

colorful exterior door

Gone are the days of simple, monochromatic exterior looks. In 2022, contrast is in, and what better way to embrace contrast than with your front door?

While bright pops of color are definitely the trend as more millennials start to buy and move into their first homes, if bright colors aren’t your thing, don’t worry.

You can still embrace the exterior door trend of a splashy front door without going right to bright pops of color. If you have a bright white house, a black door accomplishes the same goal by contrasting with the rest of your home. A grey or dark color home can equally benefit from a beautiful solid wood exterior door in a pine or maple color.

While bright colors are very in, this exterior door trend for 2022 relies more on contrast than specific color. Anything you can do to break up your home’s exterior with a contrasting door option will add dimension and visual interest for anyone walking by.


05. Maximize Modern Style with Fiberglass and Steel Exterior Doors

steel exterior door

Our fifth and final exterior door trend for 2022 is for all of our modern, industrial, and minimalist homeowners. If you love that combination of symmetry and industrial function, a modern fiberglass or steel exterior door is the 2022 style that’s right for your home. 

These doors offer a sense of security while pleasing the eyes with a comforting symmetry that says everything is exactly in its place. We love minimalist exterior doors with horizontal glass panels, but big, stately industrial doors absolutely have their place in 2022 as well. 

Which Exterior Door Trend of 2022 is Right For Your Home?

So, now that you’ve seen 5 of the most popular exterior door trends of 2022, what’s best for your home? Are you looking for a bright, splashy color? Custom glass panels that bring big personality and natural light? A wide, statement door, or even a stately industrial entryway? 

Whatever type of exterior door you choose, and whatever works best for your design style, Zeeland Lumber & Supply has it in stock from top brands like Therma-Tru and Glenview! If you’re ready to upgrade your exterior door, we have the brand and style that matches your home’s aesthetic. With our products, you can be sure your doors are installed properly for long-lasting performance.

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